Why Are You Crying #1

Why are you crying? Has anyone ever said this to you?  Has it actually helped? Let me be the first to say, it is ok to cry. The Good Lord knows I have! Ive had my share of challenges, encountering the first of the 2008 terrorist bombings against westerners in India, combined with paying the cost of the trade war by sacrificing my importing business and identity of 20 years and trauma caused by an unsolved crime which left me in and out of touch with reality for almost a year.

I think it is human nature to push down uncomfortable emotions rather than confront them, which is exactly what I did, until it no longer worked and I finally broke. But I firmly believe that it is only here, at rock bottom, where you discover real awareness. I would have never reached this level of awakening had I not been so distraught. 

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Chakra Creations

